Who discovered antimony ? Nicolas Lemery a French chemist discovered antimony and published his findings in 1707 antimony was mostly used for the Egyptians four or five thousand years ago for black eyeliner. Lemery also describes how acid picks your tongue because they contain metals that dissolve acids. how was antimony discovered ? Yes Nicolas did discover antimony but a man that is known to be a German chemist Andreas Libavian 1615 who obtained it by adding iron to a molten mixture of antimony sulfide, salt and potassium tartrate This procedure produced antimony with a crystalline or starred surface that's when antimony was created it . What experiments did they do on antimony? There is not a lot of experiments that they did on antimony like other elements really. But like I said before about how Andreas Libvian made a mixture and created antimony similar like is said when I was talking about how it as discovered but i know one certain experiment t...
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